The spring equinox marks that perfect moment of balance when day and night stand equal, inviting us to pause and reflect on balance, and opposing forces in our lives. This weekend, I’ll be leading an equinox ceremony for my local community, centred around the wisdom of plants native to our land – this time, the humble dandelion.

Why Local Plants?

I’ve chosen to work with local plants for our ceremony because they carry the specific medicine and wisdom needed for those living on this land. There’s a beautiful reciprocity in honouring the plants that grow naturally in our immediate environment – they’ve adapted to our specific soil, climate, and conditions, just as we have. Working with local plants connects us to the wisdom of the land in a way that imported or exotic plants/herbs simply cannot.

The plants growing around us are offering their gifts freely. By acknowledging and working with them, we deepen our relationship with the land we inhabit and strengthen our sense of belonging to place.

Dandelion: The Perfect Equinox Teacher

Dandelion embodies the balance of equinox energy perfectly. With its surprisingly deep roots reaching into the earth and its golden flower mirroring the sun above, it demonstrates the harmony between below and above, darkness and light.

During winter, dandelions store their energy in their roots, sending their life force deep into the earth. As spring arrives, this energy begins to flow upward, creating the perfect balance between grounding and outwards expansion.

Dandelion’s Healing Properties

This common weed is anything but ordinary. Dandelions offer remarkable healing properties:

  • Roots: Rich in inulin, dandelion roots support liver function, aid digestion, and help clear toxins from the body – perfect for spring cleansing after winter’s heaviness.
  • Leaves: High in vitamins A, C, and K, potassium, calcium, and iron, the leaves act as a gentle diuretic (in my native France, they are called pissenlit, which literally translates as “pee in the bed”, because its diuretic properties) helping to reduce water retention while replenishing potassium.
  • Flowers: Contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that support immune function and skin health.

Dandelion reminds us that what appears ordinary often holds extraordinary gifts – we need only the wisdom to recognise them.

Dandelion Meditation

As part of our ceremony, I’ll be guiding a special meditation that invites participants to embody dandelion energy, feeling the balance between the grounding force of roots and the radiant expression of the golden bloom. This practice helps us recognize how we can draw upon winter’s stored wisdom while simultaneously opening to spring’s expansive potential. All you need to do is set about 5 min to sit or lie quietly and listen to it. You may want to have a notebook ready if any wisdom rises as you listen to the meditation.

Dandelion Tea Ceremony

During my community’s sharing circle, as well as the meditation, I will share dandelion tea. A tea made from all parts of this remarkable plant – dried and roasted root, fresh leaves, and flowers – symbolising the integration of our whole selves at this balanced time of the year.

Spring Equinox Dandelion Tea


  • 1 tablespoon roasted of dandelion root (earthy, slightly bitter). You can make your own, or buy this online or in heath food shops.
  • 1 handful of fresh dandelion leaves (green, slightly tangy)
  • 1 handful of dandelion flowers (sweet, delicate)
  • Honey or lemon to taste
  • 4 cups water


  1. Gather dandelion parts from pesticide-free areas
  2. To roast roots: Clean thoroughly, chop, and dry in a low oven (120 degrees C) until dark and fragrant
  3. Bring water to boil in a pot
  4. Add roasted dandelion root, reduce heat, and simmer for 10-15 minutes
  5. Remove from heat and add leaves and flowers
  6. Cover and steep for 5-10 minutes
  7. Strain and serve with honey or lemon if desired

This tea supports gentle spring detoxification while nourishing the body with minerals and vitamins – the perfect balance of cleansing and nourishing energies that mirror the equinox itself.

Honouring Life’s Thresholds

As someone who guides women through life’s major transitions, I find particular resonance in these seasonal threshold moments. The equinox teaches us that balance isn’t static – it’s a dynamic dance between opposing forces, a momentary alignment that reminds us of our place in the cycles of nature.

By connecting with dandelion wisdom at this equinox, we learn to honour both our depths and our radiant outward expression, our roots and our blooms, our past wisdom and future potential.

May this equinox bring you perfect balance between all aspects of your being.

If you’d like to join future seasonal ceremonies, please reach out. I offer both community circles and individual mentoring for those navigating life’s significant thresholds.

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