I have been on a journey from dismissal to powerful experience, and I want to tell my story with the hope that it may encourage others to explore this modality too. The first time I heard about drum healing from a friend my reaction was: drum healing? bullshit! It...
When I started working as a doula, the majority of births I attended (those of first time mothers in particular) were long and protracted, and often ended in obstetric interventions such as forceps or caesareans. I grew frustrated because the interventions proposed...
Yesterday I cooked and delivered a traditional Chinese postpartum dish called chicken and red date soup to a new mother. It is a tradition I started a few years ago when I supported my first Chinese client as a birth doula. She found me by asking if there was a...
Earlier this week I wrote a blog that’s been playing on my mind for many years. It’s called “why I wish I had hired a postnatal doula” In this blog I explain how challenging I found new motherhood, how lonely and upset I felt through those...
Sophie Fletcher attended the closing the bones training in 2017. This is her account what the ritual did for her. https://www.closingthebonesmassage.com/closing-bones-freedom-movement/
Looking after new mums recently, I’ve been reminded how the message we get from our culture is seriously wrong. This emphasis on “getting back to normal” is bullshit There is no “normal” just after you’ve had a baby. This...