Imagine a woman in labour, her eyes closed, swaying rhythmically to an internal beat. The room is dim, quiet, save for her deep, primal moans. Suddenly, she says: “I can see my baby. She’s coming down” This isn’t a scene from a mystical novel....
I am writing this to provide a blueprint for physical and holistic recovery after a miscarriage. Background There is very little nurturing support offered to women after they give birth to a live baby, and in particular, almost no support in terms of bodywork to help...
Twenty years or so ago, when I was swimming daily at my local public swimming pool, I managed to change the rules to allow the use of training fins. Prior to this, the pool had a blanket ban on the grounds of “safety”, whilst also allowing the use of hand...
In this show, I interview pioneers in women’s health and personal development about ground-breaking concepts that help women reclaim lost knowledge and inner wisdom. By bridging insights from ancient traditions and modern research, we’ll question stale cultural...
I just launched a new podcast. It took me a while to decide on the name because I wanted the name to reflect the eclectic range of topics that I intend to cover. I didn’t want to niche myself. I’m a multi-passionate person with a multilayered, forever evolving...
When I attended my last birth as a doula, it was such a stark example of how broken, dehumanised, and beyond repair maternity care is in the UK. The woman I was supporting, having planned a homebirth, transferred to the hospital for an emergency caesarean. The...