The art of falling apart: my messy mental health journey

As I work to complete the manuscript of my book on how drumming empowers women, the personal growth I’ve had over the last few years comes into very sharp focus. I want to reflect on my mental health journey, in the hope that it may help others, who are where I was...

Drum journey to meet the spirit of the summer solstice

Today is the summer solstice. In Celtic traditions, we used to celebrate 8 festivals during the year: the 2 equinoxes, the 2 solstices and the 4 times in between. Samhain (Oct 31st) – This marks the Celtic New Year and is considered the most important festival....

Closing the bones: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Healing

You may have heard of the closing the bones massage ritual for postpartum recovery, but did you know that it also supports healing loss and trauma, supports endings and beginning through life’s transitions & helps regulate the nervous system, including for...

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